Day III: Natural Resources & Wildlife

Participants will learn fundamentals of natural resource management and ecology as they relate to wildlife, woodlands, and riparian areas. Instruction will also consider how these resources relate to potential ranch enterprises. Participants will learn how to estimate wildlife populations and determine trends, manage predators, conduct prescribed fires, utilize wood products, and manage riparian areas.
Additional activities include hands on shooting-sports, trapping demonstrations, and learning how to establish an outfitting and guiding program. This new found knowledge will help participants to develop a comprehensive ranch plan that diversifies revenue streams in a sustainable and profitable manner for the ranch through incorporation of natural resources-based enterprises.
A variety of instructors from universities, state agencies and private industry will provide scientific information and real-world knowledge on optimizing management and income from natural resources found on the ranch. Participants conclude the day with an evening discussion and work on team Ranch Management Plans.
Sam Smallidge
Phone: 575-646-5944
Doug Cram
Phone: 575-646-8130